Anti-Racism in Sport Winnipeg Campaign Launches

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Anti-Racism in Sport Winnipeg Campaign Launches

Winnipeg’s Anti-Racism in Sport Campaign officially launched on Wednesday, April 21st with insight and messages from Obby Khan, Adam van Koeverden, Honourable Cathy Cox, and Winnipeg’s Mayor Brian Bowman.

The Anti-Racism in Sport Campaign seeks to increase, promote, and engage in discussions on anti-racism in sport about the presence of all levels of racism in sport in Winnipeg and its impact on people’s lives, and raise awareness, address, and eliminate racism and discrimination experienced by First Nations, Metis, Inuit, Black, Racialized, and Religious Minority communities in sport in Winnipeg. This campaign seeks to help people identify and disrupt all forms of racism through multiple activities that includes research, school presentations, stakeholder training, a public awareness campaign, and an Anti-Racism in Sport Accord.

Volleyball Manitoba’s Executive Director John Blacher, Provincial Performance Coach Scott Koskie and President Jayme Menzies attended the campaign launch. Volleyball Manitoba is looking forward to being an active and supportive partner in Winnipeg’s Anti-Racism in Sport Campaign.
2021-04-23T10:54:49-05:00April 21st, 2021|

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